Tuesday, 5th July
Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2016
Sunday, 3rd July
Monday, 4th July
Tuesday, 5th July
Wednesday, 6th July
Thursday, 7th July
Developmental and cellular genetics
Ecological and conservation genetics
Gene regulation and epigenetics
Medical and human genetics
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Medical and human genetics
8:30AM - 10:30AM
Tuesday, 5th July
Arena 1B
Chair: Emily Wong
Down-regulation of EPAS1 transcription explains genetic adaptation of Tibetans to high-altitude hypoxia
Bing Su
Extreme distribution of deleterious variation in a historically small and isolated population – insights from the Greenlandic Inuit
Casper-Emil T. Pedersen
The African roots of Mexico: Genetic structure and health of Mexicans of African descent
Christopher Gignoux
Dynamic Genetic Control of Gene Expression and DNA Methylation in Human Aging
Trevor Martin
Diagnostic sequence motifs distinguish all point mutations in humans
Yicheng ZHU
A novel approach for assessing genetic burden and constraint in protein structures leveraging large sequencing cohorts: insights from MYH7 and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Julian R Homburger
Gene ORGANizer: Linking Genes to the Organs They Affect
David Gokhman
Probabilistic inference of positive and negative selection in cancer
Donate Weghorn
David Penny and Mike Hendy Symposium
8:30AM - 10:30AM
Tuesday, 5th July
Room 5
Chair: Barbara Holland
David Penny & Mike Hendy
David Penny
Michael Hendy
RNA evolution is dominated by rapid turnover, not molecular fossils.
Anthony Poole
The problems with distance-based phylogenetic relationships
David Bryant
“The data are good but the models are bad!”: examples from recent phylogenomic studies.
Frederic Delsuc
Hadamard conjugation and phylogenetic inference.
Michael Charleston
Geomolecular Dating and the Origin of Placental Mammals
Matthew J Phillips
From the genome to biodiversity: molecular evolutionary insights into macroevolution
Lindell Bromham
Synergistic roles of rapid warming events and human impacts in the megafaunal extinctions
Alan Cooper
The origin and early evolution of eukaryotes: new pieces of an enigmatic puzzle
8:30AM - 10:30AM
Tuesday, 5th July
Room 6
Chair: Thijs Ettema
The archaeal ancestry of eukaryotes
Thijs J.G. Ettema
Natural history of eukaryotic viruses and transposons: What do they tell us about eukaryogenesis?
Eugene V Koonin
Endosymbiotic origin and differential loss of eukaryotic genes
Chuan Ku
Mitochondrial origin of eukaryotic membrane complexity
Sven B Gould
The early origin of the eukaryotic cell according to the Viral Eukaryogenesis hypothesis: an update in light of recent discoveries
Philip J L Bell
Origin of the
Andalucia godoyi
mitochondrial cox15 gene by horizontal transfer from bacteria
Sandra L Baldauf
Structural variation in the light of new sequencing technologies
8:30AM - 10:30AM
Tuesday, 5th July
Room 7
Chair: Hideki Innan
Do retroCNVs resolve intralocus sexually antagonistic conflicts in
Esther Betran
Accumulation of structural mutations in an invasive fish of hybrid origin
Stefan Dennenmoser
Non-allelic gene conversion is ten times faster than the rate of point mutations in humans
Arbel Harpak
Characterizing complex structural variation at the human glycophorin receptors for Plasmodium falciparum
Ellen M Leffler
Structural variation at the TEP anti-pathogen locus in African malaria mosquitoes
Eric Smith
A second look at the chimpanzee genome
Lukas FK Kuderna
Exploring the role of segmental duplications in the phenotypic differences between humans and other great apes
Marina Brasó-Vives
Morning Tea
10:30AM - 11:00AM
Tuesday, 5th July
Hall 1
Plenary - Sally Dunwmoodie
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Arena 1B
Chair: Jeremy Brownlie
Identifying genetic and environmental factors causing developmental defects in humans and mice
Sally L Dunwoodie
12:00PM - 1:30PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Hall 1
Workshop: Writing for the Conversation
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Room 5
GSA AGM Meeting
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Room 6
SMBE Business Meeting
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Room 7
Ecological and conservation genetics
1:30PM - 3:30PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Arena 1B
Chair: Lee Rollins
Sponsored by:
An environmental DNA (eDNA) based method for monitoring spawning activity: a case study using the endangered Macquarie perch (
Macquaria australasica
Dianne Gleeson
From faeces to foxes: using genetics to manage an invasive predator for wildlife conservation
Anna J MacDonald
Landscape Conservation Genomics: from invasive to foundation species
Justin O Borevitz
Adaptive and neutral genomic diversity of the global invader
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Lotte A van Boheemen
Source dynamics of the naturally re-established carnivore,
Canis lupus
Sarah Hendricks
Discovery of new RNA viruses in healthy honeybee populations with
Emily J Remnant
Seeds of destruction? The relationship between inbreeding and male fertility in two threatened bird species
Helen R Taylor
Pedigree analysis reveals a generational decline in reproductive success of captive Tasmanian devil (
Sarcophilus harrisii
Katherine A Farquharson
Open Symposium
1:30PM - 3:30PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Room 5
Chair: Barbara Holland
Revisiting an old evolutionary question: did the S mutation of the β-globin gene result from a single or multiple mutations?
Sandra Oliveira
Trans-domain horizontal gene transfer from bacterium to animal: the post-transfer evolution of the aspzincins in the sponge
Amphimedon queenslandica
Simone Higgie
Tiny changes, big effects: the impact of microexons on neuronal differentiation, function and evolution
Manuel Irimia
Genome evolution of a parthenogenesis-inducing
Amelia Lindsey
Patterns and mechanisms of diminishing returns of advantageous mutations
Xinzhu Wei
Divergent patterns of marsupial-eutherian genomic imprinting revealed from RNA-seq analysis in the opossum,
Monodelphis domestica
Xu Wang
Transcriptional changes and the genomics basis of adaptation to an extreme environment
Joanna L Kelley
Patterns of nucleotide changes in human populations
Sankar Subramanian
Understudied, Undervalued, But Amazingly Interesting: Microbial Eukaryotic Genomic Evolution
1:30PM - 3:30PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Room 6
Chair: Xianfa Xie
Using genomics to study evolutionary biology of the trichomonads
Jane Carlton
On the quest of elucidating polyketide synthases responsible for ciguatoxin production
Anna L Kretzschmar
Fragmented evolution of an extremophilic red alga: Massive influx of bacterial DNAs revealed by the segmental landscape of the
Galdieria sulphuraria
Rajeev K. Azad
Evolution of the eukaryotic redox sensitive proteome via endosymbiosis
Christian Woehle
Genetics and evolution of early branching
EmilyClare P Baker
Systems Biology Studies of Yeast Gene Evolution at the Genomic Level Reveal Drivers of Evolution
Xianfa Xie
Understanding domestication in the genomic era
1:30PM - 3:30PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Room 7
Chairs: Laurent Frantz & Guo-Dong Wang
Domestication, demography, and deleterious alleles in maize.
Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra
Domestication of the dog
Claire M Wade
What makes the fungi cheesy: the adaptive genomic toolbox of
molds revealed by between- and within-species comparisons
Ricardo C Rodríguez de la Vega
Selection for tameness in Red Junglefowl causes wide changes in brain gene expression
Johan Bélteky
Genome analysis of the red fox reveals genetic basis of domesticated behavior.
Anna V Kukekova
The genome sequence of a 5300-year-old maize cob recovered from the Tehuacan Valley provides insights into the early stages of maize domestication
Jazmin Ramos Madrigal
Afternoon Tea
3:30PM - 4:00PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Hall 1
Walter Fitch Symposium
4:00PM - 6:00PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Arena 1B
Chair: Laura Landweber
The effect of archaic admixture on inferred human population history
Isabel Alves
Mutation, migration, standing variation: the where and how of convergent adaptation
Kristin Lee
Uniparental inheritance promotes adaptive evolution in the mitochondrial genome
Joshua Christie
Holy Chicken! Selection analysis applied to time series of ancient genotype data reveals how medieval religious reform shaped the genomes of modern chickens.
Liisa Loog
A novel algorithm for selective sweeps detection in bacteria
Oren Avram
High-throughput experimental estimation of the effects of all amino-acid mutations to HIV's envelope protein on viral replication in cell culture
Hugh K Haddox
Functional Sites Induce Long-Range Evolutionary Constraints in Enzymes
Benjamin Jack
Weakly selected standing variants dominate adaptation for 1000 generations in sexual, laboratory evolved yeast populations
Katya Kosheleva
Poster session B + Refreshments
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Tuesday, 5th July
Hall 1
Sponsored by:
Yeast populations adapted to periodic stress trade fast growth for stress resistance
Christopher J Graves
Changes in clock-gene expression, activity, and fecundity in the mosquito
Culex pipiens
f. molestus exposed to artificial light at night
Ann-Christin Honnen
What can the gut microbiota community of eastern water dragons (
Intellagama lesueurii
) tell us about adaptation to urbanisation?
Bethan Littleford-Colquhoun
Evidence for genetic adaptation to pollution
Alessandra AL Loria
functions as a modifier gene for high-altitude adaptation in Tibetans
yi peng
Evolutionary trajectory of a heat sensor TRPV1 in clawed frogs inferred from multispecies comparison and ancestral protein reconstruction
Shigeru Saito
Comparison of adaptive mechanism between sexual and asexual reproduction in
Tetrahymena thermophila
based on the experimental evolutionary genomics
Guangying Wang
HIV epitope prediction provides functional link between HLA genotype and viral load
Jatin Arora
The role of LINE-1 retrotransposition in Parkinson’s disease
Gabriela-Oana Bodea
Food and pathogen adaptations: tracing the spread of lactase persistence and human African trypanosomiasis resistance into southwestern Africa
Magdalena Gayà-Vidal
Insights on Array Design and Genotyping of over 50,000 Diverse Individuals for the Next Generation of Association Studies
Christopher R Gignoux
Understanding schizophrenia: the role of LINE-1 retrotransposition in disease aetiology
Marie-Jeanne H.C. Kempen
Effects of rare gene knockouts in a highly endogamous population
Hilary C Martin
Target enrichment as a tool for wide-scale genome-wide comparison, intra-strain variation and stratification, in genome-integrated Human Herpesvirus 6
Marco Telford
Bayesian multivariate analysis of large genetic studies identifies novel associations
Michael C Turchin
Mitochondrial heteroplasmy in Australian hylaeine bees and its association with the parasite
Olivia Davies
Investigating the evolutionary pathways towards extremely AT rich mitochondrial genomes
Weilong Hao
Mitochondrial membrane potential: a trait involved in organelle inheritance?
Liliana Milani
Detection of ultra-rare mitochondrial variants
Anton Nekrutenko
Mitochondrial selfish elements and the evolution of biological novelties
Marco Passamonti
SmithRNAs: could mitochondria ‘bend’ nuclear regulation?
Andrea Pozzi
Evolutionary Dynamics of the Mitochondria in Dwarf and Giant Rattlesnakes
Sarah Schaack
Splits and merges of minichromosomes shaped the complex and dynamic mitochondrial genome organization of the sucking lice (Anoplura, Insecta)
Renfu Shao
Mitochondrial DNA genetic diversity within Australian domestic pigs and their role in determining reproductive capacity.
Tesha Tsai
Insight into the evolution of the partitioned mitochondrial genome of Myxozoa (Metazoa, Cnidaria).
Dayana Yahalomi
Population differentiation and local adaptation in the Australian house sparrow.
Samuel C. Andrew
Tracing the presence of an enzyme essential for de-novo biosynthesis of NAD in the avian lineage: A case study for missing sequences in bird genomes
Toni I Gossmann
Frequent Inactivation of
Genes in Birds
Yoonsoo Hahn
Local adaptation of the red-browed finch
Neochmia temporalis
across climatic zones
Kerensa McElroy
Genomic divergence in allopatry vs. parapatry through the speciation process
Joshua V Penalba
Delineating the gene birth and death for Mx homologs confers divergent antiviral activity to Influenza Virus
Furong Qi
The evolution of RNA recognizing Toll-Like Receptors in migratory waders
Nynke Raven
Evolutionary dynamics of old, homomorphic sex chromosomes in Paleognathous birds.
Tim Sackton
A genomic approach to examining two avian hybrid zones
Ashlee Shipham
Sand dunes drive asymmetric gene flow between arid-zone Thick-billed grasswren subspecies
Amy L Slender
Molecular evolution of dietary diversification in birds
Huabin Zhao
Averaging over alternative multiple sequence alignments increases the accuracy of phylogenetic tree reconstruction
Haim Ashkenazy
Alignment-free networks: One step further into the next generation phylogenomics
Guillaume Bernard
Estimating Mutation Parameters and Population History Simultaneously from Temporally-Spaced Genome Data
Arman Bilge
Estimating the Effective Population Size from Experimental Evolution Data
Andreas Futschik
Evolution and diversity of complement genes in crocodilians
Jaime Gongora
A transcriptome annotation pipeline for non-model organisms
Mariangela Iannello
VAST-DB: an Atlas of Alternative Splicing Profiles in Vertebrate Tissues and Cell Types
Manuel Irimia
ModelFinder: A new model-selection method that greatly improves the accuracy of molecular phylogenetic estimates
Lars S Jermiin
MST -> P: A scalable and accurate method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees
Prabhav Kalaghatgi
A reversible Polymorphism-aware phylogenetic Model (revPoMo) for species tree estimation
Carolin Kosiol
Phylogeny-guided genome assembly method for short nucleotide reads from deep sequencing of mixed microbial samples
Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam
Evolution of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I in wild pigs and peccaries
Carol Lee
Haplotype reconstruction from Short Read Sequences using Vector Quantization
Louis Ranjard
Comprehensive Annotation of Multigenic Protein-Family Structures (CAMPS)
David F Clarke
Time-sampled population genetics: an experimental investigation of drug-induced mutational meltdown as an antiviral treatment strategy
Hyunjin Shim
Enrichme – a gene set enrichment tool that naturally corrects for gene length and clustering
Hannes Svardal
Measuring Natural Selection on Chromatin Accessibility in 1000 Humans From 10 Populations.
Ashley K. Tehranchi
Estimating Identical-By-Descent tracts from low coverage NGS data
Filipe G. Vieira
MetaMIS: a metagenomic microbial interaction simulator based on a microbial community profiles
Daryi Wang
HAL-HAS 2: A new algorithm that estimates evolution process for heterogeneity across lineages as well as convergent evolution
Lars S Jermiin
Evolution of the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) motif in prokaryotes
Deepa Agashe
Population structure of widespread
mosquitoes in New Guinea, Australia and the Solomon Islands
Luke Ambrose
Nonmetric ANOVA for Assessing Phylogenies
Ali Amiryousefi
Experimental evolution with recombining and non-recombining
Acinetobacter baylyi
Beth J Brittain
Inferring symbiotic innovation through a shotgun metagenomics lens: progress and pitfalls of the latest techniques
Amanda M.V. Brown
The relative role of positive and background selection in shaping genetic variability at linked sites in
Drosophila melanogaster
Jose L. Campos
Comprehensive Annotation of Multigenic Protein-Family Structures (CAMPS)
David Clarke
Evolution of Tumor Necrosis Factor Superfamily (TNFSF) genes TNFSF 12 and 13: Phylogenetic clues for the emergence of
in genomic
fusion of
Sabyasachi Das
Mechanism and fitness benefits of pyruvate kinase: a recurrent target of evolution
Kristina Duan
Genetic basis of Lactase Persistence in Ethnically diverse African Populations
Elizabeth Eyermann
Genetic origins of bushpigs from Madagascar
Jaime Gongora
COMBINE, bringing together Australian students and early-career researchers in bioinformatics and computational biology
Jane Hawkey
Biogeography of sex reversal and the effects of climate on sex determination
Clare Holleley
The Hsp90 chaperone protein is essential in the
Shewanella oneidensis
bacteria under stress condition
Flora Honoré
: speciation of sister species within a genus of subterranean dytiscid beetles in Western Australia.
Josephine C A Hyde
Testing the parent-of-origin hypothesis in dasyurid telomere length dimorphism
Emory Ingles
An evolutionary perspective of AMPK-TOR signaling in the three domains of life
Arpit Jain
Life history evolution in response to condition-dependent juvenile selection
Chris Kimber
Historical biogeography of the ancient genus
─ Early adaptation to xeric habitats on Pangea
Kristina Vanessa Klaus
Trait-dependent dispersal models for phylogenetic biogeography, in the R package BioGeoBEARS
Nicholas Matzke
Comparison of Neanderthal and modern human Y chromosomes: implications for reproductive isolation
Fernando L Mendez
Evolutionary insights from the marine metagenomics in the Red Sea
Katsuhiko Mineta
Adaptive Landscapes of Resistant Genes change as Antibiotic Concentration Changes
Portia Mira
Host response to highly pathogenic avian influenza infection in quails
Katrina Morris
Risk loci on CFA13 associated with lymphoma in Bullmastiffs
Sally Mortlock
Experimental and theoretical approaches to elucidate isochore evolution by ENU mutagenesis
Saotoshi Oota
Molecular co-evolutionary insights into the HIV-1 pre-integration complex
Helen Piontkivska
Robustness of Bayesian molecular dating to tree prior misspecification
Andrew M Ritchie
Coinfection study reveals immune modulatory effects of a cestode in its vertebrate host
Marc Ritter
The Mechanistic, Genetic, and Evolutionary Basis of Worker Sterility in the Social Hymenoptera
Isobel Ronai
Sex-biased dispersal in the short-tail stingray
Emily Roycroft
Evolutionary implications of gene duplication in plant secondary metabolism
Arunraj Saranya Prakashrao
Genetic Drift in Variable Size Haploid and Diploid Populations
Helmut Simon
Revisiting the plastid phylogenomics of Pinaceae with two complete plastomes of Pseudolarix and Tsuga
Edi Sudianto
Evolution and genetic basis of
species fluorescence
Shiho Takahashi-Kariyazono
Eighteen non-visual opsins in the ancestor of vertebrates, astonishing duplication in ray-finned fish and loss in Amniota
John S Taylor
Dynamic cis-regulatory module recruitment during cardiac evolution
Markus Tondl
The evolution of the innate immune system: insights from an early-divergent lineage
Chloe A van der Burg
The relationship between coat colour phenotype and equine behaviour: a pilot study
Brandon D Velie
Genetic and Protein Study of Alpaca Fibre.
Yen Ting Wong
Evolution of parent-of-origin effects on complex traits
Ge Zhang
Are essential genes more likely to be conserved?
Fatemeh Ashari Ghomi
Prevalence, evolution and concurrent infection by multiple dengue virus serotypes in patients from Pakistan
Qamar Bashir
Tracing functional protein interaction networks using ‘feature-aware’ phylogenetic profiling
Holger Bergmann
Phylogenomics analysis of large bacterial phylogenies using whole genome information
Minh Duc Cao
Can adaptive radiations in the Bemisia tabaci species complex be revealed by co-evolving endosymbionts?
Samia Elfekih
Avoidance of stochastic RNA interactions can be harnessed to control protein expression levels in bacteria and archaea
Paul Gardner
Evolutionary Genomics of Plant Pathogenic Enterobacteria
Jeremy Glasner
Testing the role of recombination in the evolution of multidrug resistance in experimental bacterial populations
Chowdhury Mehedi Hasan
Geographical distribution influences purifying selection on innate immune genes in
Rosemarie Herbert
The origin and evolution of the emergent plant pathogen
Pseudomonas syringae
Honour McCann
Ribosomal footprinting allows detecting and analyzing weakly translated, evolutionary young genes in EHEC
Klaus Neuhaus
The basis of the Bartonella radiation: Origin and evolution of a specialized gene transfer agent
Daniel Tamarit
Identification of source and sink populations for the emergence and global spread of the East-Asia clone of Community-Associated MRSA
Melissa Ward
Epidemic success and underlying driving forces of the
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
complex in a low-prevalence setting
Co-evolution of Hepatitis B Virus subgenotype C4 and Indigenous Australians for at least 53,000 years
Lilly Yuen
Overexpression of overlapping ORFs in
Escherichia coli
O157:H7 reveals growth phenotype
Barbara Zehentner
Re-evaluating the target of selection within
suggests functional divergence among diverse human populations
Elizabeth G Atkinson
Reconstructing human diffusion and collapse in the Americas
Chiara Barbieri
Human population genetics of Papua New Guinea
Anders Bergstrom
Characterizing introgressed sequences in
S. cerevisiae
Anne Clark
Supergene evolution favoured by the introgression of an inversion in
Angeles de Cara
Developing a SNP toolkit for management of the koala,
Phascolarctos cinereus
: from pedigrees to population genomics
Siobhan Dennison
Localizing Yiddish and non-Yiddish speaking Ashkenazic Jews to primeval villages in ancient Ashkenaz lands
Eran Elhaik
Hurdles out of Africa: how climate and terrain shaped the history of human migrations
Anders Eriksson
The global evolutionary history of
Arabidopsis thaliana
Ashley Farlow
Genomic analysis of coexistence and symbiosis in
Colleen Friel
Spread of reduced activity of
promoter in modern humans
Naoko T Fujito
Whole genome sequencing reveals the complex phylogeography of canids
Shyam Gopalakrishnan
Demographic history of Northeast Africa revealed by genome-wide population-genetic data
Nina Hollfelder
Genome-wide analysis to identify locally adapted genes in humans
Risa Iwasaki
Mathematical Model of Missing African Genomic Variation: A case for robust sampling
Latifa Jackson
Evolution of the Coldblooded trotter breed: Where did the speed come from?
Kim Jäderkvist Fegraeus
Parallel speciation in an Australian wildflower
Maddie E James
Structural variants in yeast have strong effects on quantitative traits and reproductive isolation, and are transient in natural populations.
Daniel Jeffares
Consanguinity and runs of homozygosity in Jewish populations
Jonathan T. L. Kang
Breaking the infinite sites model: widespread mutational recurrence in exome sequence data from over 60,000 individuals
Konrad J Karczewski
Inferring the unfolded site frequency spectrum and using it to quantify adaptive molecular evolution in Drosophila
Peter Keightley
Genome-wide association study of copy number variation for detection of genes affecting fat distribution in pig
Heebal Kim
Experimental evolution in
analysed with Gaussian process models
Carolin Kosiol
The impact of selection on cis-regulatory variation across the genome of an outcrossing plant
Benjamin Laenen
Selective breeding mediated genetic mapping for tameness in mouse
Yuki Matsumoto
Can we see ecology in sequence data?
Michael J McDonald
Large-scale whole genome sequencing of the Estonian population reveals novel loss-of-function variants and new insights into the population history
Mait Metspalu
kWIP: The
-mer Weighted Inner Product, a
de novo
estimator of genetic relatedness.
Kevin Murray
Functional Validation of Human Parkinson's Disease GWAS in the Fly
Lisa Oyston
Mitochondrial Genomes Reveal the Complex Demographic History of Human Populations in Eastern Pamirs
Min-Sheng Peng
Robust identification of hard and soft sweeps in humans via machine learning
Daniel R Schrider
Beyond clines: lineages and haplotype blocks in hybrid zones
Alisa Sedghifar
A molecular investigation of the relationships of karaka (
Corynocarpus laevigatus).
Lara Shepherd
Detecting introgressed archaic haplotypes in Oceanic population genome sequences
Laurits LS Skov
ddRAD-based target capture across
lobster species to assess spatial-temporal adaptive variation
Jan Strugnell
Ecological divergence and reproductive isolation in a colour polymorphic Anolis lizard.
Jessica Stapley
Prioritizing Candidate Genetic Variants Driving Adaptations in Human Populations
Michal Szpak
Using whole genome sequencing of pooled samples to detect local adaptation of teosintes along two altitudinal gradients
Maud I Tenaillon
Evolutionary history of European Bison (
Bison bonasus
Ayla L van Loenen
The factors that constrain or promote the evolution of alternative genome architectures in an RNA virus
Anouk Willemsen
Genetic origins, population structure and admixture of Xinjiang’s Uyghurs
Shuhua Xu
Genomic divergence between two sympatric sibling species in the mangrove genus
detected by RAD sequencing
Yubin Yan
A Functional MiR-124 Binding-Site Polymorphism in IQGAP1 Affects Human Cognitive Performance
Lixin Yang
Y-chromosome diversity suggests southern origin and Paleolithic backwave migration of Austro- Asiatic speakers from eastern Asia to the Indian subcontinent
Xiaoming Zhang
Adaptive introgression in agricultural
Campylobacter coli
Daniel Falush
Detection of
Drosophila melanogaster
line admixture through targeted barcoding sequencing
Hangxing Jia
Blood ties: Metabolic convergence among gammaproteobacterial endosymbionts from blood-feeding arthropods and the Mexican leech
Haementeria officinalis
Alejandro Manzano-Marín
Using molecular clocks to investigate beneficial (and deleterious) microbe-host interactions in the agroecosystem
Omar Rota-Stabelli
GRIDSS: detecting structural variation using positional de Bruijn graphs
Daniel L Cameron
Segregation of chromosomes during the meiosis of pentaploid in yeast
Ying Chen
Structural variation in genome could make novel complex trait in mouse behavior
Maryam Keshavarz
Systems Genetics identifies two structural variants of P450 genes that confer resistance to insecticides in
Drosophila melanogaster
Paul Battlay
LINE-1-like retrotransposons contribute to RNA-based gene duplication in dicots
Shengjun Tan
The Recruitment of Proteins into a Scorpion Venom
Galit Blecher
Comparative proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of venom producing posterior salivary glands of the blue ringed octopus (
Hapalochlaena maculosa
) and the southern sand octopus (
Octopus kaurna
Ira Cooke
Intragenome diversity of gene families encoding toxin-like proteins in venomous animals
Ricardo C Rodríguez de la Vega
A combined transcriptomic and proteomic approach reveals putative toxins in the slime secretions of the southern bottletail squid,
Sepiadarium austrinum
Jan M Strugnell
Expression patterns of cnidarian toxins reveal dynamic gene family evolution and regulation
Joachim M Surm
Lokiarchaea is not the missing link between Archaea and Eukaryotes.
Violette Da Cunha
Metagenomics exploration of novel archaea sheds new light on the early evolution of eukaryotes
Eva F. Caceres
Rings Reconcile Genotypic and Phenotypic Evolution within the Proteobacteria
Joseph Larsen
Transcriptional variation in the protist
Trichomonas vaginalis
caused by insertion of DNA transposable elements
Martina Bradic
Should we reconsider the chromosomal gene movement of retrocopies?
Joanna Ciomborowska
Resolving kangaroo phylogeny and overcoming retroposon ascertainment bias
William G Dodt
High similarity between distantly related species of a plant SINE family is consistent with a scenario of vertical transmission without horizontal transfer.
Jeffrey Fawcett
Identification of polymorphic L1 insertions in mice
Patricia Gerdes
Phylogenetic and genomic analyses resolve the origin of important plant genes derived from transposable elements
Zoé Joly-Lopez
Applying complementary NGS approaches for
in silico
resolution of the present and past mobilome of
Clostridium difficile
R078 isolates
Bethany R Jose
Bioinformatic Analysis of Expression and Regulation of Human Antisense transcripts by Transposable elements in Human Full-Length cDNA Sequences
Jaeeun Jung
Macaca specific exon creation event generates a novel
Young-Hyun Kim
Functional analysis of a natural mutational hotspot in the proximal promoter of a stress-response gene in
Drosophila melanogaster
Miriam Merenciano
The role of heterozygous transposable elements in reproductive isolation among
Chironomus riparius
Ann-Marie Oppold
Do transposable elements facilitate adaptation?
Jessica Stapley
Transposons horizontally transferred between parastitic plants and hosts are still actively expressed in some recipients
Guiling Sun
Multiple domestications of Asian rice with limited inter-group gene flow.
Peter Civáň
The Origin and Evolution of Fibromelanosis Locus in Domesticated Chickens: Comparison between Indonesian Cemani and Chinese Silky Genomes
Anik Budhi Dharmayanthi
What can morphometrics tell us about domestication at the age of genomics ?
Allowen EVIN
The probability of monophyly of a sample of gene lineages given a species tree: an application to maize domestication.
Rohan Mehta
Changing Patterns of Genomic Variability Following Domestication of Sheep
Marina M Naval Sanchez
Cracking the nut: genome and transcriptome sequencing of
Macadamia integrifolia
Catherine J Nock
A discriminative model-based approach to inferring the geographic origin of domestic species
Anna AR Rudzinski
Characterization of grain amaranth (
Amaranthus L
) domestication with Genotyping by Sequencing and whole genome sequencing
Markus G Stetter
The genomic signature of a 4,600 year old Scandinavian dog adds a time-depth to modern basal dog breeds
Emma Svensson
Out of southern East Asia: the natural history of domestic dogs across the world
Guo-Dong Wang
Genome variability in the ecologically significant marine diatom
(Bacillariophyta) in a southern hemisphere upwelling system
Penelope A Ajani
Global phylogeography of
Coccidioides spp
.; the etiologic agent of Valley Fever
Crystal Hepp
Identification of microsporidia host-exposed proteins reveals a repertoire of large paralogous gene families and rapidly evolving proteins
Aaron Reinke
Comparative and population genomics of
Phellinus noxius
causing brown root rot disease in trees
Isheng J Tsai
Molecular ecology of palytoxin producing protist
Ostreopsis siamensis
(Alveolata) along the East Australian Current
Arjun Verma
Why do ciliates have such low mutation rates, and why don't we?
David J Winter
The genome of a nematode isolated from the deep, hot terrestrial subsurface reveals horizontal transfer and amplification of Hsp70 genes as an adaptive strategy
Sarah Allen
Discrete dynamics of stem cell niches - a cellular automaton model
Alonso Sandoval
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